Natururlaub in der Vulkaneifel
Natururlaub in der Vulkaneifel

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Deutsch ~ Englisch


Christopher Dahlen


0176 / 39853980

Booking information & prices


Availability check: Please contact us on the phone +49176/39853980, by e-mail to or by the contact form at the bottom of the page whether your appointment is vacant.


There is a 100,00 Euro deposit.


A housekeeper will check the house with you at your arrival and your departure. You can always call her if there is a problem.     



Season Himmerod I Himmerod II Eisenschmitt
05.01. -23.03 45 Euro 50 Euro

40 Euro


50 Euro 55 Euro 45 Euro


50 Euro 55 Euro 45 Euro

13.07. – 31.08

55 Euro 60 Euro 50 Euro

31.08. - 2.11.

50 Euro 55 Euro 45 Euro

02.11. – 21.12.

45 Euro 50 Euro 40 Euro

21.12. – 04.11.

55 Euro 60 Euro 50 Euro


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